What is the gender pay gap?
Measurements of the difference in the average pay of men and women across the entire company
We have used data from over 271 full time team, in a variety of roles, in our cafes and head office.

The Results 2021
GPG table

Our mean and median pay for female versus male has increased in 2021. Women are paid more by 4.8% on average.
Due to Covid-19 all bonuses were paused until the new financial year 21/22.
Our Female to Male population has shifted since 2019 with an increase in male employees by 8% to 51% and decrease in women by 8% to 49%.
GPG population

At the time of publishing this document (March 2021) 50% of our Directors are female and 75% of the Operations & Support management are female.
Proportion of men and women in each pay quartile:
GPG bar graph
Our strategy this year is to build confidence and encourage every member of our team to reach their goals and future progression. We do this through being Honest, Empathetic, Determined and Authentic.
We are continually reviewing all our pay gaps and believe we do not discriminate between genders.

We are confident that the data and information reported are accurate as of the 5th of April 2021 and have been calculated according to the requirements of The Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Information) Regulations 2017

Julie Centracchio
FD/Company Secretary