Working From Boston

Category: News

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The Best Place to Work Remotely

Fine, working from home is pretty great – you can tap away at your laptop on the sofa, pop on a cheeky load of washing at lunchtime, you don’t even have to get out of your PJs if you don’t fancy BUT working from Boston is better.

10 Reasons to Work From Boston

1. The Coffee is top notch and we’ll make it for you
2. Breakfast is served all day long (have it twice if you want)
3. You won’t be staring at the same four walls for 7 hours
4. Elevenses can be a reality rather than a fantasy
5. The doorbell won’t go in the middle of your zoom call
6. You can host a meeting without having to clear up after
7. You’ll see other peoples’ smiling faces (and can even have a chat if you’re feeling brave)
8. Someone else will be paying the heating bill
9. You’ll never run out of milk
10. You can pack up and leave work behind at the end of the day

Convinced? Thought so.

Good Coffee, Good Food, Good WiFi

BTP SUMMER 9R5A4273 Instares

Whether you’re a work-from-homer, freelancer, want somewhere to host your weekly team meeting or even need to hire space for a work event you’re hosting, #WFB is the one.

There’s no need to book with us, just walk on in and the team will point you in the direction of a good spot (in return they’d be much obliged if you’d order that slice of cake you don’t need and make their day). However, if you want to hire the space for an event, best to give your local cafe a call and chat to the General Manager who will be more than happy to help.

Our words

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