Like-Minded Suppliers

We only work with suppliers who sing from the same hymn sheet. If they’re on our roster, they’re working towards Making Things Better too. We ask a lot from them because we want you to be crystal clear - when you choose BTP, you’re making a better choice.

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Free Range Meat & Eggs

All of our meat is Free Range, and our eggs too, in part thanks to our superstar supplier Packingtons. Their family-run farm has been in the business for over a century. They know their land, they know their animals and they respect both. Pigs and chickens live outdoors, in lush pastures, with space to roam. It’s this welfare-orientated approach that has earned Packingtons both an RSPCA Freedom Food  accreditation and a Compassion in World Farming Good Pig and Good Chicken Award.

Beyond the yard, they run weekly volunteer led food drops to local schools, work in partnership with Natural England on wildlife protection projects and their woodland plays host to a Scout Camp. 

Making Things Better stamp of approval earned. 

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Choose coffee that does a LOT of good

Sourcing coffee can be complicated. We will only serve coffee we can prove is fairtrade, sustainably sourced and tastes out of this world. So, we make things simple and work with Extract Coffee. 

They buy sustainably grown coffee, direct from farmers (at better than fair trade prices) and hand roast every bean in Bristol, using restored vintage roasters powered by renewables. Their grinds don’t get wasted either - they’re turned into bio-diesel, while the coffee chaff becomes chicken bedding and compost at a local organic farm. 

When they’re not busy counting beans, they support a bunch of charities with their Grounds Up Charity Collective through volunteering, mentorship and fundraising work.

Oh, and did we mention the coffee tastes out of this world too.

Show-offs? Nah, they’re just Making Things Better, one cup at a time.

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Goodness baked in

Our bread is baked overnight by sixth generation family bakery, Hobbs House. A proud B Corp, by choosing their bread we (!) contribute to supporting sustainable, regenerative agriculture solutions. Sounds complicated? It’s not. Put simply, these guys (in partnership with Wildfarmed) farm wheat in a way that works with nature, not against it, nourishing the soil and removing harmful chemicals to encourage biodiversity back into our fields. 

Other reasons these lot are the best thing since sliced bread - they donate hundreds of loaves to those in need every week, they have a well-established programme teaching school children how to bake, their hairnets get recycled into garden furniture (220,000cm3 of the things every year).

Knead we say more (sorry). Making Things Better - tick. 

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No such thing as ‘normal’ milk

To us, it’s a given that you should choose the milk you want in your drink at no extra cost. So we offer organic cows milk from our pals at Chew Valley Dairy, dairy free milk from our buddies Minor Figures or no milk - no judgement. 

Thanks to these most excellent of partners we’re able to dramatically reduce the amount of plastic in our supply chain thus;

  • Chew Valley supply our milk in large volumes which we dispense through milk pergals (fancy milk vending machines)
  • Minor Figures use recyclable cartons

So feel free to order that oat milk flat white, extra hot, extra shot in a reusable cup to takeaway if that’s how you like to start the day. Literally anything goes, no funny looks, no side eye.

Milk - Making Things Better since the beginning of time.