Choose To Reuse

Reusable Cups Only

In 2018 we made a decision. A big one. A daunting one. A gamechanger. A first for any UK coffee ‘chain’ (we’re not strictly a chain, we’re a family of cafes thank you very much but for the purpose of impact, we’ll settle on chain here)...We stopped serving takeaway hot drinks in single use cups.

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Here’s why

In the UK we get through an estimated 2.5 billion ‘disposable’ coffee cups annually.

In reality, less than 0.25% (1 in 400) of those single use cups are recycled.

The rest, including a huge number of compostable alternatives, end up in landfill.

So, we did something about it

 One million (and counting) single use takeaway cups have been saved from landfill thanks to one tough decision and a whole load of small daily acts from our Everyday Heroes (aka YOU).

Plus, we donate 10p from every takeaway hot drink to the Boston Foundation, providing workplace opportunities for young people.

Small change. Big impact.

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Choosing to Reuse at BTP

Bring any reusable cup, and we’ll fill it with coffee. Simple.

Borrow a loan cup from us for just £2 (which is fully refundable when you return your cup to any BTP café)

Buy one of our reusable cups from the lovely folks at Ecoffee Cup. Available in small, medium, and large, from £4.25. 

We'll raise a cup to that. Cheers.

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