BilinguaSing - We Sing Italian

Date: 12th Mar at 10am-12:45pm

Birmingham Harborne

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Harborne Inside Looking Out 2 June 23

Language Classes for Children


Pexels Lara Jameson 8828360

Join us at BTP Harborne every Wednesday for engaging designed to introduce your little ones to a second language, from birth (or as early as possible). 

Music, movement and sensory experiences all play a part in these sessions, brought to you by BilinguaSing South Birmingham. Harness the power of music and props to make language fun and interactive. Think well known nursery rhymes, popular songs and more. 

Wednesday 10:30am - 11:15am: We Sign Italian - mixed age family class (6mths - 4yrs)

Book or join the waiting list above. 

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