Over 1m
Cups saved from landfill
Cartoon style drawing of a hand holding a reusable BTP coffee cup
Afternoon Tea Lifestyle PROSECCO BTP Xmas 20241038 Webres Festival BTP Summer 2024 Day 27350 Webres

Mother's Day, Done Right

More than just brunch

Say 'thank you', say 'I love you', say 'cheers'. However you say it, say it right with Afternoon Tea at BTP. Skip the bore, put the pinky down and dial up the bubbles.

Grab an Afternoon Tea gift card and relish in the satisfaction of a gift done well. 

Flatbreads BTP Spring 20253152 Webres

A space for big thinking, coffee drinking and community linking

Free range. No ifs, no buts.

BTP Whiteladies Soft Launch Instares 10

How to order

Breakfast incoming

Grab a table (we’re walk-in only, but we're also here for big groups and events - come chat to us), peruse the menu (this may take some time), order at the bar or online. We'll sort the rest.

Across our cafes

What's on

423766596 927225502470920 7376678921415312819 N 433621769 420780580637648 5914810565175613383 N

Join the team

Proper jobs since 1995

We take jobs in hospitality seriously. If you're looking for decent hours & fair pay, plus perks like free food on shift, personal development & tips in your back pocket, then we're looking for you! 

Insta Ready